Meghan Joyce first began doing improv with her debut in the Buffalo CSz Minor League program in 2016. After a year of participation, she was asked to join the ComedySportz Pro Roster, where she has been ever since. In addition to her shortform work, Meghan is actively involved in several longform groups including Dream Cheese, Fan Fiction, Last Resort, all-female troupe Twisted Sister Act, and Unscripted: An Improvised Play. Within BCC, Meghan handles many of the daily tasks, including program scheduling, social media, recordkeeping, website maintenance, and more! She is also our Level 301: Shortform Study & Level 401: Longform Study instructor.
Meghan Joyce

Scott Wojtanik began taking improv classes at CSz Buffalo in 2010, joined the CSz Buffalo Minor League Program in 2013, and became a member of the CSz Buffalo Pro Player Roster in 2014. In addition to his ComedySportz performances, Scott is also involved in longform as well, including Dream Cheese & Last Resort. Scott serves as the Creative Director of ComedySportz Buffalo, making him responsible for roster fulfillment, match scheduling, and almost anything CSz you can think of! He also acts as the instructor of our Level 201: Improv Scenework class and lead facilitator of our Applied Improv Corporate Training programs.
scott wojtanik

Cindy Bednasz has been on the CSz Buffalo Pro Player Roster since 2012 and is a former graduate of the ComedySportz classes program. She is an active member of the CSz Pros along with being involved in multiple longform groups, including Eye in Team, Last Resort, all-female troupe Twisted Sister Act, Playdate, and Fan Fiction. Cindy is BCC's main facilitator for Private Events, acting as the first contact and coordinator for all individuals submitting an inquiry. She is also an integral part to our DEI committee, organizing our charitable work and community outreach programs. In additional to all her BCC corporate tasks, she acts as our Kids Class Instructor.
cindy bednasz

David McClary has been a main ensemble performer with CSz Buffalo since 2012. He has studied improv & sketch at Impatient Theatre (Toronto, Canada), Second City (Toronto, Canada), and ComedySportz Buffalo. David also acted as Director of the CSz Buffalo Minor League Program from 2016-2017. In addition to his shortform work, David can be found performing with longform groups Eye in Team and Last Resort. David is BCC's lead technical associate, organizing our sound & lighting for all programs. In addition to providing overall management support, David acts as lead instructor for our Level 101: Intro to Improv class.
david mcclary

Dallas Taylor is the current Artistic Director of Inclusive Theater of WNY and lead DEI consultant for Buffalo Comedy Collective. Working with BCC's DEI committee, Dallas helps to further our goals of community outreach, creating & facilitating a safe, inclusive theater space, and encouraging & educating our roster to perform to the height of their intelligence.
dallas taylor
dei consultant

Kevin Knowles has been a member of our ComedySportz Buffalo Pro Roster since 2017 after joining an open call audition. Parallel to his shortform performances, Kevin is also a member of longform groups Eye in Team and Jett Starfighter. Kevin currently functions as BCC's Player Advocate. Kevin was elected into this position by the other CSz Roster members in 2023, acting as a liaison on a multitude of topics between our players and ownership & management. This can include discussions performers are uncomfortable taking through current processes as well as ideas for improvement, ease, and betterment.
kevin knowles
player advocate

Kat Kuo is the current Resident Photographer for Buffalo Comedy Collective, taking all the ComedySportz Buffalo Player Roster photos and select CSz match shots, including our main home page picture. Look her up & support local art!
Kathrine Forster Kuo Design & Illustration
kat kuo